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We Offer

    Financial Controlling

  Adjusted P&Ls based on the IFRS types of expenses, employees, months and dates  

  Balance Sheet based on the IFRS groups, customers, suppliers, fixed assets and loans

  Free two-hour presentation of the reports with our comments and suggestions

     Sales Controlling

  You know exactly what, to whom, how much, in what way and when you sell

  Insights into the profitability of products and services

  For and additional fee, get all data on your mobile phone. Even when you are on vacation


  Cash Flow in the palm of your hand. Every cent you paid, every day, in all segments

  We prepare everything. You approve payments with just one click

  Communication with the bank, including the loan approval process

You Get

     Financial Controlling

  Elimination of unnecessary operating costs

  Quick insight into all data (income, expenses, liabilities, collection, taxes) in just two clicks

  Making daily business decisions easily while drinking morning coffee

     Sales Controlling

  Permanent increase in sales revenue

✓  Flexibility. Timely adaptation to market changes

  Ability to upgrade and modernize product range


  No more wrong payments. Forget reference numbers, models, codes, accounts...

  We take care of who and how much owes you. We worry abou what to pay next

  Your debts, on your mobile phone, while you are in a meeting with the supplier

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