We Offer
✓ Accounting treatment of business documentation in accordance with:
✓ Accounting Law, MSFI, Rulebook for micro and other legal entities
✓ Law on Personal Income Tax
✓ Other laws, regulations, decrees and rulebooks governing Accounting
✓ Keeping analytical records: fixed assets register, annual amortisation, customers, suppliers
✓ Loan and Leasing records - taking, payment of principal in installments, interest expenses
✓ Accounting entry of domestic and foreign currency statements (payment transactions)
✓ Payroll
✓ Calculation of Value Added Tax, preparation and submission of VAT returns
✓ Calculation of Corporate Income Tax
✓ Calculation of Tax on rent of movable and immovable property
✓ Keeping Tax records
✓ Communication with competent Tax institutions
✓ Final Annual Financial Statements: Balance Sheet, P&L, Statistical Annex, Tax Balance, etc.
You Get
✓ Maximum cost reduction
✓ Guarantee on VAT calculation. Huge VAT savings
✓ By calculating the payroll Tax wisely, we save at least 100.000 RSD
✓ We graduated from the Faculties of Finance. Educated for this job
✓ Three Certified Accountants. The highest standards in our industry
✓ Huge experience. More than 20 years in Accounting and Taxation
✓ We use the cutting edge technology available in the field of Accounting